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Address of restaurant and café: Tihany, Batthyányi u 3.

GPS: N46.91539 fok, E017.88626 fok

Telephone: +3670-2846705, +3670-4130391

Tel/fax: +3687-448-617


Event managment Tihany:

telefon: +36 70 284 67 05

Fax: +36 87 448 617

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A hírlevél üzemeltetője:

Making reed-thatched roof

Unfortunately nowadays a very nice but hard traditional profession, making reed-thatched roofs is almost extinct, that is why I feel it important to show one of the last experts in Tihany, Gábor Dobos, a 73 year-old, but still active workman.

Reed-thatched roofs can be found on several old houses – and some new, too – as it is not only traditional, but very useful. It isolates well.

Nádtetõ készítés

Nádtetõ készítés

Nádtetõ készítés

Nádtetõ készítés

Nádtetõ készítés

In Tihany it became a traditional way of roof-making, because there was enough raw material for it. People could mow reed in cold winters on the frozen Lake, which was a tiring job.

Making reed-thatched roofs have many tricks, that must be known. It does not require many tools, but you must know when you should rate breaker reed, which way you should let it slope, how you can camber it.

Nádtetõ készítés

Nádtetõ készítés

Nádtetõ készítés

Nádtetõ készítés

Nádtetõ készítés

You can see Gábor's work on our roofs, and any reed-thatched roofs you explore in the village are surely his works.

Hopefully, this traditional thing stays long together with the name Tihany, as well as the special stone for walls.